Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at Should be Reading and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three W’s!
The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
Currently Reading: Psych Major Syndrome by Alicia Thompson
I’m only on page 19 at this point because I took a break earlier to avoid having to actually read the boyfriend’s introductory scene after the 3 or so pages of inner monologue about him that made me 100% hate him from almost the first moment…
I’m also concerned this might not be my type of book. Specifically my type of main character… I just keep catching myself thinking she thinks she’s too special, but I can’t tell if I’m just a grumpy person who dislikes people too easily, or if it’s legit. If anyone has read this, please chime in!
Also does anyone know how Alicia Thompson pronounces her name? Is it the right Spanish way or the white English way or another way less common to me here in Texas? (I need to know for personal reasons.)
Recently Finished: The Tale of Elske by Cynthia Voigt (Tales of the Kingdom, book 4)
I never actually managed to read the whole Tales of the Kingdom series in order in one sitting before (ignore that I took a giant break during Oriel) because I never had them all at once or I didn’t realize it was even a series before or whatever stupid reason. I love them so much and it was wonderful reading them in order finally. In fact, so far, I love them more every time I reread them!
I also wrote the first actual review of a book I like! For some reason I find it much harder to write a review for a book I enjoy. Perhaps because I’m not constantly picking them apart, but mostly because I suck at writing and reviewing.
And seriously, I recommend this entire series to everyone! (As previously mentioned, it’s a loosely-connected, non-magical fantasy series.)
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