You’re invited…. Join us for “The Austen Escape” Read-Along starting Nov. 7!

It’s that time of year again….. time to read author Katherine Reay’s new literature-infused novel from Thomas Nelson publishers!



A read-along of The Austen Escape with fellow bloggers and #bookbesties.

Find The Austen Escape on

Goodreads | Amazon


Discussions via Twitter with the hashtag #TAERAL!


Starting on book release day, November 7th, we’ll be gushing/chatting as we go.

And, as we read, I’ll be collecting any questions you have for author Katherine Reay! She has graciously agreed to choose some to answer when we are all done. (My current plan is for a wrap-up blog post.) Just tag me/DM them to me or specify “Q for Katherine” in some way.


If you still need a copy of the book, check out the amazing preorder goodies deal happening now!

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