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Goblinproofing One's Chicken Coop: And Other Practical Advice In Our Campaign Against The Fairy Kingdom (2012)

by Reginald Bakeley(Favorite Author)
3.5 of 5 Votes: 3
1573245321 (ISBN13: 9781573245326)
Conari Press
review 1: This very droll humor book describes how to contain or take advantage of the fairy menace within one's home, garden, or countryside ambles. It's told through the persona of Reginald Bakeley, a very proper British gentleman who enjoys a properly cooked leg of leprechaun and milk straight from the teat of a fae cow. He breaks it down into techniques, worst case scenarios, and sprinkles throughout stories of his own encounters--and through those, you get a greater sense of the "author." It's amusing, albeit quite dark. The ending even includes addresses for shops in Britain where one can find appropriate supplies, just as you'd find in a real handbook of this sort. As a writer, I can see this book as an inspiration in my own writing about fairy kind. I also know I want to len... mored this book to my mom, because I'm sure she'll get a kick out of it.
review 2: Entertaining and often clever or witty, but I think I like the concept of this book more than the execution of it. In particular, I dislike how it didn't seem to quite know what sort of writing it wanted to be. Most of the book is a humorous fictional non-fiction treatment with a distinctive voice. But there are sections where it shifts more into narrative by the same voice, which is further problematized by a tendency to flirt with the idea of the author as an unreliable narrator, though that is undercut every time it is suggested. I just wish the book knew what it was trying to do, and did that clearly. less
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Does as it says on the tin. The author is very firm on Faerie matters. And clearly not a vegetarian.
Having read it, I found I really, really did like it a lot.
A delightfully odd and very cheeky little book.
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