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The Hidden White House: Harry Truman And The Reconstruction Of America's Most Famous Residence (2013)

by Robert Klara(Favorite Author)
4.05 of 5 Votes: 4
1250000270 (ISBN13: 9781250000279)
Thomas Dunne Books
review 1: While the book deals mostly with the renovation of the White House in the early 1950s, it includes information on other important events during the Truman administration (the Korean conflict, the assassination attempt on the President, etc.). Much of the information can be found in other books about the Trumans, but it was a good read and gave an inside perspective on the amount of work that went into and the politics involved in restoring this most famous home in the USA.
review 2: Not my usual reading material but it caught my eye at the library. It is about the reconstruction of The White House in the '50's but also a history lesson on the Truman Administration and the events of the day. It would appear that Congress has never been easy to deal with for a P
... moreresident. It also explains a bit about the botched job that was done in restoring The White House and why Jackie Kennedy felt the need to redo it once JFK was President. An interesting read. less
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Very fascinating book. Really brought it all to life. I recommend it.
House lovers and American history buffs will love this book!
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