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Rorschach Blots (2013)

by RoughDraftHero(Favorite Author)
3.84 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: A highschool senior develops a huge crush on his art teacher when he catches the teacher strapping himself and offers to do it for him. From then on we see the younger mc and the teacher developing their romantic relationship as the younger confronts his homosexuality and deals with the loss of his best friend while the teacher remains afraid to let go of his own dysfunctional relationship. Sounds like a setup for a weepy YA, but the novel is sophisticated and funny instead. There's a lot of snark as the two make their way to a point where they can fit. As the younger mc goes from innocence to an understanding of both his dominance and his teacher's submissiveness, so do we. There's a lot unstated, but everything is clear.I was tickled by this book from the beginning. I wa... mores also impressed by:vivid description of the art teacher's behind from the younger mc's view while spanking/strapping (I will probably always remember it)equally clear and detailed description of teacher's reactions to humiliation - the whole book was a very human, non-porno primer on bdsm, I thoughtavoidance of facile explanations for aspects of bdsm (like humiliation)skillful, nuanced exploration of the way power can circulate in a relationship (hence brilliant setting in a high school)I thought the epilogue was the best I've ever seen in terms of timing and pace. The main narrative ends abruptly when the younger mc finds out his lover has suddenly left. The epilogue starts with a shift in point of view as teacher drives back into town four years later and... well everything is resolved.Sorry about the missing character names, I mislaid the book and can't remember them.
review 2: I struggled with this book, mostly because Sev was such an unlikeable character. At 18 (as we were told over and over) and a high school senior he was technically an adult, but his maturity level was much-much lower. He had a full on sense of entitlement to the point that he pushed Caleb way past his comfort level. Caleb was a milquetoast of a character (he did occasionally stand up for himself, but then quickly buckled). We did not get Caleb’s point of view until the end of the book and even then it was vague and all about what Sev wanted. less
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3.75 stars.Not without flaws but I really liked it!
I really enjoyed this - except for the epilogue.
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reminds me of 'blue lawn'
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