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Inside Heat (2012)

by Roz Lee(Favorite Author)
3.87 of 5 Votes: 2
Roz Lee
Mustangs Baseball
review 1: What's not to love about this book? The book opens with pediatric nurse Megan meeting star relief pitcher at the ball park when she gets his autograph for a sick patient. Instant attraction occurs with a proposition for an exclusive relationship with the pitcher Jeff and his twin brother Jason, who is also the catcher on the team. She moves in, the relationship dynamics begin to shift, misunderstandings and jealousy occur. I could hardly put this book down. Will definitely keep reading this series.
review 2: This book started out so well but by the last third it just lost momentum. This is about two brothers, twins and profession baseball players, that find a special girl and want to share her in a sexual relationship. Yep, I was interested. Ms. Lee writing i
... mores good but I think she went into too much detail about baseball. However, I did enjoy being inside Jeff and Jason's head while they were focusing on the game. Humorous to see how they talked to themselves.The first few ménage scenes were very good. I thought Jeff and Jason were awesome as a team. I do not know if I will read Jason's story. I cannot put my finger on what was missing in this story. There were some opportunities for her to ramp up the story but it just flattened out instead. Megan, Jason and Jeff did not work out because Megan and Jeff fell in love while Jason moved on. There was some lack of communication between the three that caused some angst. I got a little tired of Jeff and his anger and jealousy at his brother. I mean, come on, the boys had been sharing since college at the least. There is an HEA for Megan and Jeff. less
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Uhmmm al principio comemzó bien... luego es sinceramente una mierda.
Baseball heroes are my favorite and this story has got two of them!
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