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Show Me The Ropes (2011)

by Roz Lee(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 1
1603106081 (ISBN13: 9781603106085)
Red Sage Publishing
review 1: I'm sorry to say that this book just didn't do it for me. The hero Richard, seemed self confident in most things until it came to Fallon and then he showed such insecurity it was strange. And of course there is the fact of what he did to himself to show his fidelity which was disturbing. Fallon on the other hand made me angry in that she was so wishy washy and in the end jumped to conclusions without even discussing it with Richard. I really didn't feel any connection between them other than sexually and wonder at the longevity of their HEA.***I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley***
review 2: I was nervous going into this book, because I didn't read the 1st novella in this series. I usually like to read them in order, just so I don't get lost. This
... more wasn't the case with Show me the Ropes. You can read this book as a stand alone and not feel like you are missing something. Richard and Fallon at first didn't seem to be a fit for me. Both of them waiting so long to do anything about their attraction to each other. Beating around the bush and going to extremes to stay close to each other. I think they connected better during sex then any other part in the book. Trust me, the sex scenes were beyond hot and left me wanting more. I cringed at Richards methods to prove to Fallon he only had eyes for her. I felt that Fallon fell to quickly into a submissive role and then automatically tossed it all away after a misunderstanding on her part. The story did leave me wondering if they really , truly could continue their relationship for a long time. I felt something was missing, something deep & profound. I enjoyed reading the book, I want to go back and read the 1st and any others that are to follow. less
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Fantastic book continuing the Lothario series - great characters and hot love scenes!
Love these books! Steamy as the first one.
Review to come.3 1/2 stars
it was a good read.
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