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El Color De Los Sueños (2013)

by Ruta Sepetys(Favorite Author)
4.06 of 5 Votes: 3
8415893000 (ISBN13: 9788415893004)
review 1: Perhaps the heaviest cross to carry for a daughter is having a mother who does not know how to love. Josie Moraine has a mother who steals from her, denies her, abandons her, and disappoints her. Josie's mother is the worst example of a woman, and instead of coming to terms with that, Josie carries the shame and weight like she is the one who requires the forgiveness, Once again, this author writes with a literary poetry that had me repeating phrases and rereading passages just to hear the words weave their tapestry once more. She writes with an easy rhythm that had me turning pages faster than I have read a book in a long time. The fact that this novel was set in New Orleans in the 1950's was just a bonus. The historic streets, the details of the French Quarter, and the ... morevivid descriptions almost allowed me to hear the musicians and taste the red beans and rice. I cannot recommend this book to most. Having a mother involved in the world's oldest profession would leave many with a soured view of the book. Seeing the life through the eyes of the protagonist, though, definitely brought this book into a PG rating. When a daughter wants nothing to do with her mother's choices, she tends to censor and avoid--causing this book to have a deep story without unnecessary details. It was told perfectly. Anything that seems inappropriate would be to the credit of the reader's imagination or biases. It was definitely a book that will stay with me. Kudos to this author's second novel.
review 2: Book Review I recently read the book, ‘Out of the easy,’ by Ruth Sepetys and came to the conclusion that it’s an amazing book. I’ve always been big on reading, and this book was a great pick. It follows the life of Josie Moraine, the daughter of a prostitute and an unknown father, in the 1950’s. Unlike her mother, Josie is very smart and wants to become something. Because of her mother, she works for a prostitution house owned by Willie Woodley. Although she’s not a prostitute herself, she cleans up messes and reports to Willie everything. She also works in a bookstore with her best friend Patrick. With a tornado of mystery, guilt, and confusion, Josie’s life is turned around after one man visits the bookstore and is oddly dead the next day. This book is full of twists and surprises which makes it very exciting. I enjoyed the book and would give it 4 stars, only because there was an event I wish could’ve been changed. I recommend this book to anyone who likes mystery and turns that keep you hooked on the book. less
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Wonderful look at life New Orleans in 1950. Loved all the characters so much!
This was an AMAZING story!
wished it was longer..
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