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Paranormal State: My Journey Into The Unknown (2010)

by Ryan Buell(Favorite Author)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 2
0061767948 (ISBN13: 9780061767944)
It Books
review 1: Paranormal State is an autobiographical account from Ryan Buell about the work that he, and the rest of his research group did investigating the supernatural during the first season of their A&E show Paranormal State.I think Buell did a decent job on this book. We see a lot of the background about the group, and what went on behind the scenes of the television show. He also tells us about a lot of the material that was cut from the show so it would fit the time requirements - quite a bit was left out, apparently. The group covered a variety of cases, and they're discussed in the order they occurred and were filmed, rather than when they were aired on tv. The majority of the cases are spirit-related, though. It's clear from Buell's writing that he and the rest of the group... more takes the investigations quite seriously. It's interesting to see the various research methods the group uses as well.We're also told a fair bit of Buell's personal life, such as his previous encounters with the supernatural - growing up & the effect it had on his life, as well as several cases that take place before the start of the show. He talks a bit about his spiritual beliefs, as well as those of the other members of the group, and what brought him to where he is in his life spiritually. I don't know if it was intentionally done, given the more scientific apporach he takes to describing the cases, but it made for quite a creepy read. (That's what I get for reading a large part of it at night over the weekend, I guess!) I'm glad I picked it up. I'd definitely recommend it to fans of the show, or people interested is the scientific side of supernatural research.
review 2: An interesting look behind the scenes of making Paranormal State and Ryans personal life and sexuality. I was already more than aware of his religious convictions (please don't blame the makers of the show for making it look as religious as it's shown Ryan, I think you could have done a lot more in terms of using equipment and done a lot less praying and laying down of religious artefacts).Some good background info on the cases in the first season, a good present to buy a fan of the show. less
Reviews (see all)
I was hooked on the TV show for a while and this was a good look behind the scenes.
Well written book of Ryan Buell's experiences in the paranormal.
Very good if you are a fan of the show!
Interesting behind the scenes look.
10/10: ABSOLUTELY recommend.
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