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The Cleaner Of Chartres (2012)

by Salley Vickers(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 4
0670785679 (ISBN13: 9780670785674)
Viking Adult
review 1: This is a charming, if quirky book about a woman's life, entwined with the fascinating and rich history of the cathedral at Chartres - it's many elements of symbolism, the stories told in its stained glass, in the tiles of its floor, the arches and stones that make up its greatness. Having never thought about it at all before, I am now drawn to go there and dwell... To explore... To observe as I did at Salisbury... To take this book with me when I do.
review 2: For me, this one started off a pretty slow and I couldn't really get into the story until about halfway through the book. I also had some trouble focusing on the right time period for some reason. Once everything started coming together though, I really appreciated the character development and all of t
... morehe connections between the people of the town with Agnes. I'm happy that I stuck with it to the end. less
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Beautifully crafted story with some well-drawn characters
3.5 stars, which I've rounded up to 4.
Really enjoyed this, thanks Maia.
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