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MetaGame (2000)

by Sam Landstrom(Favorite Author)
3.56 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Dystopias can be a useful way to examine philosophical concepts, but are generally only interesting if the author deigns to actually examine them. There's some decent thought in the last chapter or two, but for most of the book, it's about as shallow as the hack-and-slash video games that part of the setting emulates. The characters are, with perhaps one exception (and that character only in the final chapters), flat; considering they are mostly named with chat handles, the writer may as well have gone full out and just labeled them Haughty Queen, Degenerate Nobleman, Miss Purity, and Idiot Hero. It was, frankly, a little painful to read through most of the story waiting for said Idiot Hero to wake up to the notion that the problem he faced wasn't with his game but with hi... mores world. The end result is a book with an interesting high concept and occasional moments of value, but which is ultimately unsatisfying.
review 2: This book was offered on my kindle for just 99 cents so I took a chance. I'm glad I did. Imagine digital skins on everything, including the walls of buildings, blasting advertisements at you all day long. Life is one big MMO and so is death. A really good imaginative piece of speculative fiction.A good choice for fans of MMO's, and those who wonder what they could become. I suppose it could hold some loose comparisons to "Ready Player One" for example, but still quite different. less
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Read the whole story and still have no idea what the hell was going on.
Fun. A gripping, entertaining adventure
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