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Because Every Raindrop... Is A Hope (2013)

by Sankalp Kohli(Favorite Author)
3.58 of 5 Votes: 3
General Press
review 1: This story revolves around Raj, his life, his friends and his love life. What happens when he gets caught in the turmoil of underrated love and overrated infatuation? Is he able to sort himself out of the mess created in his life? Will he succeed in doing so? The answers to all these questions lie in this book. It’s a good story that teaches a great deal of life, its ups and downs, hardships, failures and how to tackle them without letting your ego spoil everything and your relations. It tells you to cling onto that one drop of hope and never lose it. A few editing mistakes are visible plus the book cover could have been better.
... morevel by Mansi Sharma & Sankalp Kohli … The story is about the turmoil emotions, emotion of an underrated Love and an overrated Infatuation. This is story of ‘Raj’, a young guy with the dreams larger than life, from a small town of Kanpur, He faces different up and down of life, where his path leads to nowhere but only to a dead-end.Through the exhausting period of life and different circumstances, he decides to part his ways with Mahek. But then he fails to justify his decision to himself, his friends and to Mehak. He realizes the importance of importance of Mahek in his life, only when she moves out of his life completely. The guilt of not been forgiven by her, ruins his soul; and that frustration leads him into seclusion, devoid of even his best buddies Rohan and Rahul. The way the old couple tried to tell Raj that one should never lose hope. After every bad phase there will be a ray of hope. Mahek, Rahul and Rohan were also nicely defined.Raj reaches to the point where he is left with failed love, broken friendship, a hurt ego and lost soul he was doomed to darkness. With no of hope future ahead, and then just when Raj was about to give up on life, he comes across a note, written to him by his favorite professor, "Never give up Raj Because Every Raindrop is a Hope" which brings Raj face to face with his own self.Now my Positive viewpoints:This is a novel by Mansi Sharma & Sankalp Kohli … “ Every Raindrop is a hope” is a very inspirational title The concept and climax is good, on each and every page it will teach you a lesson. It’s true Ego can ruin your relation whether love or friendship that is what happened to Raj. This story give you a moral, that Life is a blissful journey with up and down and one should never lose hope. God is there and he will always help you to fight back.Some suggestive points:Overall the book is really good and very well expressed; I would like to suggest that a little stringent editing was required as there are some typing errors in the book. Also would like to mention that few chapters can be removed, like the long description of college completion and other things would have made it much better. Final words:Overall if asked I would say...this is a good job done by Author… (Mansi Sharma & Sankalp Kohli) I would give 3 stars to this book. less
Reviews (see all)
awsum book. awsum ending. really recommended for those looking for a light read.
Nice read..
Good Book.
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