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Children Of Scarabaeus (2011)

by Sara Creasy(Favorite Author)
3.8 of 5 Votes: 4
0061934747 (ISBN13: 9780061934742)
Harper Voyager
review 1: I loved this sequel!!! It picked up right where the first one left off, and the action flowed well. I liked the plot and the characters. I absolutely adore the characters Edie and Finn and I found myself rooting for them through both books. I really wish there had been more of an expansion on their romance, their bond, how they grew, and just more private time with them, just the two of them together. The author had so many places where that private moment, their romance, was just starting to sizzle and then she'd throw us into something else. I was so disappointed to not get more of them!! They'd been through so much and the action/story of the second one was just so quick moving and built up til the end so fast. I agree with Felicia Day's review in that she was disappoi... morented in their "big" romance scene because it truly did have the potential to be so amazing to show that desire and trust the two had together, not to mention the za-za-zoom. I was just so disappointed in that respect as I think there were lots of places in the book where this could have been expanded on. It would have brought me into the story that much more. I really did like the universe, the characters, and the story. I think it could have been a lot richer. Hoping the author writes some more tho because I liked her style.
review 2: This is the sequel that has been hanging on my Kindle for a while, couldn't get myself to dive in, but once I started I couldn't put it down. Definitely don't pick this up without reading #1 as it's almost a continuous thing from the end of the last to this one. I really loved the world and the abilities the main character Edie has. I think the whole "seeding" thing was really well-done as well, and the plot paid off in the sequel. The main bad woman was kind of 2-dimensional, but whatever, I think this was a really enjoyable, light, sci-fi book. SLIGHT SPOILER:I would give this book overall 4 stars, and the romance a 3 1/2. Why? Because there was SUCH amazing tension in book 1 and 1/3 of book two, and then when these two finally get the sexing on it's the LEAST ROMANTIC SCENE EVER. I mean, there was so much potential to see the ROMANCE there, I felt like it was pretty underwritten, and then once they were together it wasn't really mined for all the awesome stuff that was there before they consummated everything. The last part together was good, it was just the middle of the book felt like there were some character beats missed. Other than that, really enjoyed their characters finally finding middle ground. Def would pick up books by this author in the future! less
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I read both this book and the first in one & a half days (went to bed really late last night)!
I was sad to finish this book because i enjoyed reading about the characters so much.
I think this sequel out did it's predecessor. Fabulous!!
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