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El Principe Y La Camarera (2008)

by Sarah Morgan(Favorite Author)
3.73 of 5 Votes: 4
0373896212 (ISBN13: 9780373896219)
International Billionaires
review 1: 4.5 - 5 stars. Sarah Morgan has done it again and created an emotional, passionate, hot romance that I couldn't help but throughly enjoyed. And enjoyed seeing the romance play out between Holly and Prince Casper. The story began with a depressed upset that her boyfriend of years had just dumped her after she wouldn't sleep with and he thought he could do better than her. But despite being dumped she had a job to do and that was to waitress during a sport's event in the royal box where Prince Casper would watch the event. Holly was specifically chosen because it was believed that she wouldn't appeal to play by Casper and would be perfect to serve him. Problem she did appeal to Casper who noticed her immediately and was drawn to her unlike any woman he met before... more. She was different from the significant woman he usually associated. He thought she was very attractive but more to the point he noticed she was upset and protected her from prying eyes. He comforted her for a bit but he more wanted to sleep with her than anything else. His desire for her was high and he wanted her right there and then with the heat coming off of both of them in droves and it was hot. Again this has first meeting sex with them both giving into their passion for one another. And it was but again that there was so much tension and anticipation from the moment the spoke to one another. Chemistry was off the charts and was extremely steamy. That anticipation was so great that I didn't mind that they made love so soon. If that anticipation wasn't as well written as it was I would have been not as into the scene as I was. But I enjoyed the emotion behind the scene as well as the passion. It was just a hot scene and it good. That scene though done early needed to happen in order for the conflict to take place. After they made love, Holly went to kiss Casperin front of the huge picture window (they made love in the royal box) where the paparazzi could get a shot of the pair kissing. Therefore scandal would've wrapped and that picture would be pasted it in the newspaper the next day showing that the prince had yet another lover he took to his bed as he had done many times in the past. Casper believed that Holly set this up and made him a target for scandal. Believing this of her he immediately got angry and threw her out of his life. And he believed she was a Golddigger and was after publicly for herself. And he felt like for falling for her charms and believing she was like every other woman he had met in the past with money being her motivating factor. Of course none of this was true and Holly was very much the innocent that she portrayed. Holly Felt hurt by Caspers belief that she kissed him just to get publicity for herself when in reality she really kissed him to thank him for what he gave her belief in herself again and has a desirable woman capable of passion that he had showed that existed between a man and a woman. when she found out what Casper relieved of her she ran and ran and went into hiding because now everyone knew about her relationship with the prince. The press would hound her. She was alone and scared and believed that she was another notch on Caspers bedpost and he cared nothing about her so she felt really alone and scared especially when she found out she was pregnant. Casper found out of course that her pregnancy and was furious and wentto go get her and propose marriage even though that was the last thing he wanted especially from a person he believed to be a Golddigger. And her pregnancy he saw as a way to trap him as well as gain her more money him as well as soon with the press when she gave the story to them about her pregnancy and night with the prince. He believed that the child wasn't his and she was trying to pin the baby on him to get a bigger payday and believed it was her exes. So more conflict ensued. To do damage control Casper immediately propose marriage though reluctantly so she couldn't give the story to the press but he hated the thought of being married to her even though he still wanted her desperately. And desire was all that he vowed to give her and nothing more. He didn't treat her nice in the beginning because of this misconception and added to the tension between the two. The story ensued with constant back-and-forth between the pair with lots of angst and passion to follow. Lots of passion. The chemistry stuck around from their first meeting I just built and built where hot love scenes then came to fruition with lots of raw emotions behind it with them getting deeper and deeper are with each other. This was also another story where he believed that he couldn't father a child and didn't believe her claims at his impending fatherhood. Another aspect that added to the tension. I felt bad for what Holly had to go through in the beginning of our marriage with Casper. Because it was a marriage of convenience because the public found out that the Royal baby and the new heir to the throne which demanded marriage. Holly knew that Casper didn't trust her and therefore treated her accordingly and kept a part of himself from her because of that lack of trust. As a result Holly felt out of place, alone,and extremely depressed about the status of her marriage and therefore all these raw emotions came out the depths. It didn't help that she was developing deep feelings for Casper well he was showing them and just showed his lack of trust in her. It was hard wrenching to watch and I truly felt bad for Holly and I wish she had an easier time and didn't have to go through all that pain with Casper but that but that added to the rawness and intensity in the story and made it more juicy and interesting. Which I like in romance novels that intensity that makes you keep turning the pages until you finish and see a happily ever after. Because of how Casper was treating her for how Holly tried to protect yourself by keeping a barrier between herself and Casper and emotional barrier. And I don't blame her for that and understood that she needed to check to herself from being more hurt than she already was because of his treatment of her so she kept her emotional distance from him. And it was totally justified. What I enjoyed most about that was the fact that Casper actually noticed it and didn't like that she kept up this wall that kept her from being emotional with them or him every part of herself. Not that he deserved it at time, But I found it funny that it bothered him so much that she kept that part of herself away from him and he didn't like it because he wanted all of her not part of her. It hurt him I think it away that she did so but she did so so she didn't hurt. He realized she was keeping a part of herself back when they were making love and realized that she held her emotions back and he didn't like it he wanted her to be free with their emotions and have that look that she had the first time they made love where she was free and let go of her emotions and let him see her vulnerable side. I just like that he had that self realization and realized that passion and love making weren't enough without the emotions behind it and her showing her true self especially the vulnerable side. So that was great to see and that aha aha moment from him. Also the fact that he realized he was developing deeper emotions for her and that he cared whether she had them towards him or not. Really I just enjoyed seeing him fall in love after vowed he would never find love with anyone ever including Holly. But the more you got to know her the more he realized that he needed Holly and her love in order for him to functionin his daily life because he was falling in love with her. Oh it was enjoyable to see him phone his knees and beg for forgiveness knowing that he treated her horribly and accused falsely. Though he did need proof from a doctor that he could father a child after all. But it was nice to see his humility and show her that he did in fact love her as well and wanted to be with her along with their baby. Just I enjoyed his growth throughout the novel and Saul how he changed from a cynical guy too I loving and devoted guy to his wife and he totally deserved it in the end because he made up for it especially to Holly. This was a well-written romance full of passion, emotion , angst, and a powerful romance that hit on the heartstrings. It had everything a good romance should have with the chemistry, passion and the conflict that makes any romance novel worth reading and makes it that more interesting to read. The characters were enjoyable and each had their moments of their own personal growth due to the fact that they had love for one another. Love help them change and made them better people in the end, which is what love is supposed to. Great job Sarah Morgan! Yet another enjoyable read that I will be reading again and again and never tire of. This is why I love her stories. I could say more but just know it was a great combination of what is needed for a good romance and entertaining read whichany romance fan would enjoy.
review 2: Audible rocks!! I just get such a rush when I see my four favorite letters strung together to make a word on their home page: SALE!This guy, while not the biggest POS in HP existence, is definitely on the Top 30 list of all time. How many times can a woman be told that the child she is carrying is NOT his, he can't love her/doesn't do love, she wasn't a virgin when he had sex with her, she is a liar and manipulative, blah, blah, blah?Seriously. Talk about someone in need of therapy! less
Reviews (see all)
I really like Sarah Morgan's novels. However, the story of this book was silly!
this book is amazing..omg!it's the best..i love it so much....
I love the story..it gives me so much pleasure
Casper scabies!
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