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Alaska Hunt (2012)

by Shelter Somerset(Favorite Author)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 3
1613726716 (ISBN13: 9781613726716)
Dreamspinner Press
review 1: Alaska Hunt is a novel that grips you from page one and doesn’t let go. Definitely not the light reading and most of the times the feel of reading report after report with tiresome data, yet the plot, the storyline the agony and suspense make it really difficult for you to let the book down until it’s over. The intro is extremely rough. It starts with a crazy bear’s point of view and for a moment there, I was alarmed this might be a paranormal story after all. It’s not. The effect of having a bear’s point of view was unexpectedly strong and gruesome, and it is also a huge plot revelation. I loved it, Zane is an amazing character, having his demons that hunt him day and night, guilt eating away his soul and yet strong and determined to help anyone he can. One migh... moret think he suffers a bit from the Super Hero Syndrome but it suits him, gives him even greater charm. Joshua is also a very agreeable character. Young yet strong and smart, he inevitably entangles himself with Zane. It felt so natural for those two to hook up together while they were in the search of answers for the inexplicable fatal bear attacks. They do not have the typical romance, that’s for sure, the way their relationship evolves is so manly and somehow easy going that made breath and relax more into it. Yes Zane has his thoughts about it, too many for my liking, but then again he has too many thoughts about everything. Comes with the job I suppose. Their lovemaking was also not the sensual or the explicit one, but it was definitely hot for my eyes. I loved everything about this pair.Secondary characters were somehow odd. I understood Julie, the ex-wife, her obsession with being independent, after all no one can life with a man that feel the guilt so strongly as Zane, especially if their relationship didn’t stand strong before the incident, but Dana confused me. I still don’t get it, did she refused Zane for being an Alpha male..? And what was it with the in-laws? Nothing in this book churned my stomach more than them, not even when bears started eating human flesh, that I could handle, but in-laws not letting a father see his kid, that enraged me. I suppose the author achieved that very well.The “who” and the “why” was almost too easy for me to see, as I said the intro was a huge plot reveal, but I enjoyed every bit of the book and the journey that led to the end. What it made an impression to me was the fact that the author seemed to have done a great amount of research. Everything felt so very real and as if it came straight from some university researching team. Invigorating! The description of the scenery and the Alaskan environment was also excellent, made me feel as if I was hiking along with the guys. Yes, I think this is what earned me more than anything. The book was so well written that made me live it not just read it. In the end this book was more than I expected.Highly recommended for anyone who has the stomach to stand a bit of blood and gore ;)
review 2: There were two things that made this book interesting for me: the plot and Zane's character. I'd been reading about real life bear and wolf attacks when I decided I wanted to read this next and that only made the events in this book all the more chilling. The mistery behind the bears's strange behavior kept me turning the pages and the attacks were very gruesome, like other reviewers mentioned, this isn't for the faint of hearts. The final showdown between bear and humans was very suspenseful, I felt like I was right there with them. Being inside the bears's head was interesting if a bit weird.I found Zane a likeable and sympathetic character. It was his childhood dream to live in Alaska but in the end it cost him his wife and son. His wife's accident had been very unfortunate but I think it had been inevitable, Zane couldn't have been by her side 24/7. I hated to so him still blaming himself for it years later and thinking that his biggest dream had been a mistake. Since then none of his attempts at relationships have worked out and they only made him feel used, so I was really rooting for him and Joshua.The romance definitely took a backseat to the plot in this book. Normally I hate that because I read these books for the m/m, but in this case it didn't bother me because I thought the low-key romance fit the story nicely. For me this was one of those books that is worth reading for the plot alone, and what romance there was I found it satisfying.I'm not a big fan of kids in m/m books but because I cared for Zane's character I was hoping for a scene where he reunits with his son, so the ending was perfect. less
Reviews (see all)
Nice sense of place, but it wasn't enough to overcome the flat characters and awkward non-romance.
Very enjoyable and fast paced read.
Unique story. I liked it.
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