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Finding Out (2012)

by Sheryn MacMunn(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 3
1470108097 (ISBN13: 9781470108090)
review 1: I liked this book, however I felt a bit bamboozled by it. I loved Shelias story and seeing what happened to her however the book gets split into two stories, that of Shelia and her elderly neighbor Ruth. Her neighbors story is of Nazi Germany. Her story is compelling however when you pick up this book you are not expecting to read a story like that. I could have done without Ruths story, it was pretty obvious with their first meeting that that's what the title of the story was going to be about. Shelia finds out that she doesn't have it as hard as she thinks. I feel like the reader could have understood that perspective without the narrative of Ruth.
review 2: Really liked to concept of the intertwining stories of current time and then one character sharing her
... more life via flashbacks/story telling. However, when the main character in a "chick lit" book (and I have read many) is such a cliche and all her friends so shallow it takes it's toll on the reader. I found myself saying "REALLY?" out loud more than once or twice. I liked the message to truly appreciate what you have and that you are responsible for your happiness. However, I think the main character was a little too long in getting there. less
Reviews (see all)
An unexpected delight, and an amazon bargain to boot. My only complaint is it ended too soon.
CH 14and TSTL heroine is on my nerves. Plus too much head hopping. Maybe I'll finish later.
This was an amazing book. I could not put it down!!!!
nice book for the train ride
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