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Undercover Bodyguard (2012)

by Shirlee McCoy(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 4
0373444842 (ISBN13: 9780373444847)
Love Inspired
Heroes for Hire
review 1: I loved the story line, and all the charactors in this book. Shelby is very independent, working hard at her bakery. She does not want to depend on Ryder to protect her. She does not want to fall for him. She had some bad relationships before, and is content to stay single. As the threats against her heats up, so is the growing emotion she feels for Ryder. She tries to run from her own feelings, but we all know we can’t do that… I really enjoyed this book. The old lady is this book made me laugh so many times. The only annoying thing about this book is the author repeated herself throughout the book. I guess it was to put power behind the words, I just found it irritating. Other than that I really did enjoy this book!
review 2: Shirlee McCoy always plops yo
... moreu right into suspense and danger, one reason I love her books so much. A stalker, a murder, and a tough former Navy SEAL make for some heart-racing action that doesn't let up from start to finish. Shelby Simons used to believe in "forever" love, but not anymore. Not after a humiliating breakup and two failed relationships. While Ryder Malone protects Shelby from an attacker, he determines to convince her that "forever" love is possible is she chooses the right guy, him. Great dialogue, and a believable plot make this a fast-paced, page-turning, inspy romantic suspense you won't want to miss. less
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Started reading yesterday morning and finished last night before I went to bed. Good reading.
I liked the book a lot. Funny, suspenseful, romance, and made me hungry for a doughnut.
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