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Fragile Bonds (2000)

by Sloan Johnson(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Wow this is a brilliant emotional story that I loved. After the first couple of pages I knew I was sucked in. This author did a fantastic job of gripping me from start to finish. This book blew me away. The author certainly knows how to convey characters feelings through words. This book is a fantastic standalone. Storyline was emotional. I loved the ending. I was so happy that the author didn't leave me begging for more. Highly recommend this great read.
review 2: An emotional story from the very beginning, Make sure to have some tissues handy.Melanie Erickson, has to be strong, she has a job to do, and she is good at her job. As an end of life companion, she needs to be there in the end for her patient, and for the families. Her newest patient will be her tou
... moreghest, but she can do it, she is a professional.Xavier Ross, shocked, and a bit angry when he opens his door to find his ex on his doorstep.  Then he finds she is to be his wifes companion until she passes.Melanie and Xavier have a strong history, and an awful, incomplete ending. But for Alyssa, Xaviers wife, they will be friends, they will be there for Alyssa and Jacob, Xavier and Alyssa's son.Can they be strong enough to get through this awful time? After months being so close together, after Alyssa passes, where do they go, is there hope for a future for them.This story had my emotions going from the beginning. I really did enjoy it and look forward to reading more of her works.  I gave this story 4 stars.***This review is based upon a complimentary copy of the work provided by the author in exchange for an honest review on behalf of This Redhead LOVES Books.*** less
Reviews (see all)
Didn't love it. Didn't hate it. I kept feeling as though I was missing something.
Really liked this story of 2nd chances.
I could not finish it.
Loved this book!
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