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The Library Of Unrequited Love (2010)

by Sophie Divry(Favorite Author)
3.26 of 5 Votes: 4
0857051415 (ISBN13: 9780857051417)
Maclehose Press
review 1: I wasn't enamoured by this book as whole as I felt that it wasn't long enough to create any storyline and yet wasn't short enough to be a true short story. However, I did find myself totally engrossed from start to finish and only realised that I must have read some pages more than once when I finished and looked at the time! It has left me feeling philosophical about the concept of reading and literature in general so there must have been some value to it!
review 2: This cute book has captured my heart. Simply a paragraph where a Librarian is speaking to a reader who was accidentally locked in overnight, and she has a moan and a critic about her everyday life to her thoughts and heartaches, and self-diagnoses herself as a lonely warrior who defends the public
... more against books! I would recommend to anyone who doesn't mind putting the world to its rights sometimes! less
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Enjoyed this book but had not realised it was so short...on Kindle it was 100 pages
It was entertaining and very informative!
Buku tanpa perenggan.
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