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The Doomsday Vault (2011)

by Steven Harper(Favorite Author)
3.63 of 5 Votes: 4
045146429X (ISBN13: 9780451464293)
Clockwork Empire
review 1: Interesting steampunk world created from a plague which either creates zombies or mad scientists. Enjoyed the action, however the storyline has a very Lemony Snicket feel in that the protagonists are always held back by a series of unfortunate events. I didn't enjoy that at all, and really hoped the heroine would move out of her lady like role. While she did, many of her 'proper' behaviors remained and felt more like an annoyance. Also, the love story turns out to be very sappy and doe-eyed. I was hopefully that it could turn into something more substantial given the non traditional class and age difference between the two. I want to read the series to find out what happens, I don't want to read all the bad things that continue to happen or the emo-angst love story that pl... moreagues the two protagonists.
review 2: I really wanted to like this, the writing is not bad, the characters are interesting ... But the worldbuilding! It is horrible, it is constructed as a comic for children; all gaudy effects and random episodes stringed loosely stringed together. To get something like this to work tou need to be a master like Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchet or Jasper Fforde.... This author is not... I gave up after half or so when my suspension of disbelive was shattered for the sevenupthon time... less
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Must be a marmite book, which is strange because I love marmite and I wasn't impressed with this.
Very enjoyable, quick read with likeable characters. Zombies included! I want a Click of my own!
Turned our a nice enough read in the end. Looking forward to the sequel.
so creative. was my first steampunk book i've read and i rly loved it.
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