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The Outsmarting Of Criminals: A Mystery Introducing Miss Felicity Prim (2014)

by Steven Rigolosi(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 5
0977378799 (ISBN13: 9780977378791)
Ransom Note Press
review 1: What a fun little novel! I read it in an afternoon. I picked this book because of its cover, and I was not disappointed. I expected to be transported to the 1920's. However, the story is set in the modern day with a throwback heroine whose name reveals everything we need to know about her character, Miss Felicity Prim. This delightful story follows Miss Prim as she escapes the dangers of NYC to simple village in CT to begin a career to "outsmart criminals". Miss Prim reminds me of Jessica Fletcher. The novel pokes fun at mystery fiction, and is an homage to books and reading. I must admit the ending was too neat but I think it's all part of the satire. I would spend another afternoon with Miss Prim and all her friends!
review 2: Well, something was certainly tr
... moreying to happen here. A parody? A pastiche? A clever deconstructing of the cozy genre? Whatever was trying to happen didn't happen. Unless this chunk of paper and words was some twisted test of a reader's ability to soldier on in the face of torpid tedium. An altogether unfunny, unengaging, uninspired and mercilessly heavy-handed affair. The perfect book for a very certain subset of humanity. A subset who has misjudged their own sense of humor and wealth of knowledge to what is probably an almost deadly degree. Any fan of this novel must surely, and as obliviously, terrorize her friends and family with her leaden wit and dullard insights in the same way Miss Prim terrorizes her fellow villagers with her lead foot. I can't even imagine the mindset that would find this lukewarm lemon water enjoyable and bless my maker for that! Please say that the whole "First In A Series!" vibe this book gives off was just part of the 'joke' and this is the last we'll ever see of Miss Prim, the little village of I-Can't-Be-Bothered-To-Remember, and all of the 'wacky' 'characters' who inhabit it. less
Reviews (see all)
I enjoyed the book but found the ending a bit boring. I was expecting something a bit more exciting.
Cozy, cute, clever and it all wrapped up tidily. I'd read another.
Cute and clever.
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