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Shirley (2014)

by Susan Scarf Merrell(Favorite Author)
3.42 of 5 Votes: 5
0399166459 (ISBN13: 9780399166457)
Blue Rider Press
review 1: I think you would have to have read and loved Shirley Jackson's strange novels - which I read and loved in adolescence to really appreciate this book. The main character lives with Shirley Jackson and her husband Stanley Hyman (who taught at Bennington College) for a year in which she is obsessed with Jackson. Lots of other famous authors of the times are either being discussed or drop by. Really loved it and it made me want to reread Jackson to see if she holds up.
review 2: When I entered to win this novel from GoodReads I did not realize it was about the author who wrote "The Haunting of Hill House. I did not care for the book but I did like the movie. I however loved the novel "Shirley". I thought it was an exceptional read. I liked that the house was ali
... moreve as it was also in the "The Haunting of Hill House. The characters were twisted which made the book very interesting. Susan Scarf Merrell wrote this as a fictional novel but she may have captured the very essence of truth. less
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I think the author was trying to channel Shirley Jackson's style but didn't.
Somehow I am attracted to the strange and this novel did not disappoint.
This one is for people who love literature!
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