review 1: I loved this series LOVED LOVED LOVED this book. I can NOT wait to read the next installment in this wonderful mafia series!!! Geo is hilarious his character is priceless!!! Towards the end of the heart started pumping faster... I was shaking my head noooo noooo I knew it was coming... I couldn't believe the last pages of the book...... Don't stop with this series SW Frank!!! This series is so damn good it can be made into a series on tv!!! HBO take notice!! review 2: S.w. Frank totally outdoes herself with her latest book in the Alfonzo Series, "Associates"! Wow! Unbelievably explosive, and action packed, filled with hot and passionate love scenes, secrets being revealed and murder, all the things we have come to know and expect in the Alfonzo series... more, and more! S.w. does not disappoint, as she leaves you with and ending that will have you praying was only a dream. Written in such an epic style, with vivid descriptions and scenes that will have you laughing one moment, and crying the next, you will literally not want to put this book down until "the end." S.w. pulls no punches, and holds not hostages with characters and scenes that jumps off the pages at you and will have your mouth gaped open wondering how or why one of your beloved characters could go out that way, while at the same time wanting to believe that all will be well! This is a must read that will reveal the awesome gift and talent S.w. Frank displays in writing this awesome series with reality! less