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Alfonzo (2000)

by S.W. Frank(Favorite Author)
4.06 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Oye vey. Where to start. OK, so I know where the author is trying to go with this book. I know the feel, the...depth she's reaching for. But for the love of reading, I cannot figure out why she feels like she needs to beat me over the head with it. First off, there is an over abundance of superfluous inner dialog in this novel. Like every page. This man (who is repeatedly referred to as a "boy" even at 24) spends so much time arguing with himself its almost confusing. He gets to a point where it SEEMS like he's settled some inner battle, but then strikes up his internal monologue a few sentences later. And its not just him, its ALL the characters except the heroine. She's evidently too clueless to discuss anything internally LOL.Second, I have no idea who this heroine is. ... moreI mean that literally. I know her mama won a ton of cash in the lottery and that Al finds her everything goodness and light. I know THAT because that's pretty much the only way he seems to think of her. SO every tidbit of info we get about his chick comes as a surprise. Like she's been written on the fly. Had no idea how she lived or what her job was til halfway through the book, though maybe that was a lack of diligent reading on my part. She comes off as one dimensional and borderline dumb. There are some things you just QUESTION even if you are relatively sure you can live with the answer no matter what it is. Its like she's trying to play at being in control but she's such a CHILD its ridiculous.Third, one of my biggest reading pet peeves is being TOLD something I should be able to glean from reading along the way. I'm getting mugged on every page with how, though Al is street tough and volatile, he's intelligent. He has a degree. He has a real estate business. He reads poetry. yada yada yada, I get it. Looks can be deceiving, theres more than meets the eye, hard life, hard knocks but he's making good even with one foot in the streets. I KNOW!!! All that could be accounted for on the journey in bits and pieces. Instead, I'm repeatedly bludgeoned with the stuff. Stop telling me who he is and SHOW ME!!!Because for all that hype about how well rounded dude is, all you've shown me so far is the street side. And even that is lacking to be honest.And last, there is no place in any type of sex scene for the word "copulate". Ever. Let alone repeatedly in all its tenses. There just isn't. Eeeuw! The loves scenes here are so UNsexy I can't even picture them in my mind, which is pretty much the point of a sex scene as far as I'm concerned.
review 2: I liked this book okay. There were some things that just seem unbelievable to me, but all in all it was okay. The book flowed well. Things moved along. I hate it when a book drags things out as they often do. This is a very quick read because it's short and entertaining. It cost more than I think it should have at $3.99. There is a whole slew of books in this series and they are also $3.99 ea. Some of these need to be combined. lol Whew, this series is going to cost a fortune. I like Alfonzo. He is a gangsta. He is educated and I like that. He is rich at 23 years old. That's one of the things that I found hard to believe. He was rich with a college degree from Columbia and a legitimate business,and he still did what seemed like street level drug dealing. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but that's what I gathered. His girlfriend lived in the ghetto and drove an VERY expensive Mercedes. I realized her mother had just won the lottery, but they hadn't even moved and she bought a car like that to park in the ghetto. I don't know that seemed out of place to me.I like the other cast of characters. The police detectives were even interesting, and they typically are not. I wanted to hear his mother's explanation about what happened and why she lied to him about his father. I know why she did, but I wanted to hear her say it.This is a entertaining and I am debating whether to continue the series. I probably will because I love mob romance. less
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Wow what a great way to start a series. Can't wait for the next one
A great book and start to a series.
great start to a great series!
Absolutely loved it!
Great Series!
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