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Sex, Lies And Midnight (2011)

by Tawny Weber(Favorite Author)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 2
0373796641 (ISBN13: 9780373796649)
Undercover Operatives
review 1: This was a quick moving sexy romance with engaging characters that have to overcome their secrets before they can allow themselves to fall in love. It was a quick read, and my first read in the series and by this author. While I felt that some things were a bit pat, they were entertaining. Also, the book is the middle of a larger story. Fortunately, there were few spoilers, so the meat of the relationship in the first book will be fresh for me. Now I want to go back and read about how Maya's brother Caleb found his love. And I look forward to both meeting the third sibling, seeing what happens with him and how the larger mystery is solved.
review 2: This book was good at what it's supposed to be good at. The Smut lol. those parts of the book, which were most of
... more the book, were really great. The Author really knows the words to use and when to give the perfect amount of description to make ya feel pretty hot yourself lol. As for the other elements of the story, they were a little confusing and hard to follow. The main character comes from a family immersed in crime and power and this plays into the plot of the story. The story behind all the lusty goodness I'm still a little lost on but that's ok, I didn't read it cause I wanted to read about cops and crime and drug rings and illegal trading lol. I'm pretty sure we only read these books for one reason and Tawny did a very good job in that area ;). When the bigger love scenes were being played out it was impossible to just stop and finish it later. You had to read it through!so ya, it was really good in the ways it was supposed to be. But as for the background story line with her father and brother and the FBI. It remains unresolved and I don't quite follow. but like I said, who cares lol no one reads Harlequin books for those details lol. less
Reviews (see all)
Typically romance mystery novel. Boy uses girl to solve a crime but falls in love with her.
I think this book is sinfully sexy.I really liked this book.It's a good read.
Actually wish there'd been more conning and less ... fucking?
cute with hot steamy scenes.
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