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Science Of Liberty, The: Democracy, Reason, And The Laws Of Nature (2011)

by Timothy Ferris(Favorite Author)
3.84 of 5 Votes: 1
1441892427 (ISBN13: 9781441892423)
Brilliance Audio
review 1: An excellent, well-argued thesis. All those who consider themselves liberty lovers need to read this. Not likely to have much traction in conservative America where the brand of liberty is more about myth than reality. It especially shoots howitzer holes in the Bush brand of liberty but I have always felt that this was more about impunity for certain special people only (the definition of "elite" in my book even though these folks hate elites).My only discontent was that the author writes about the novelty of railroad time, which eventually became standardized time, without even naming Sanford Fleming. It is a minor quibble though.
review 2: These kinds of books always seem to go a bridge too far in my estimation. To make their entire point, they exaggerate
... more some claims and gloss over a bunch of the things that would throw that point on its head. I'll buy that the scientific method contributed to the formations of democracy. I think he makes a pretty convincing argument there. Just his glossing over of democracy's many deficiencies (esp. slavery) escaped the scientific rigor he lauds so much in this book. And what's up with his hatred of the deconstructionists? I admit, Derrida was a twit, but lumping them in with the Nazis and Soviets was a bit much. less
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To dry; it didn't keep my attention and I couldn't finish it.
Dynamite book! That's what I think!
My new favorite history book ever
Ferris is better at cosmology
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