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1000 Days Of Spring (2000)

by Tomislav Perko(Favorite Author)
4.43 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Prva misao nakon sto sam procitala knjigu bila je: "Kad ce Ljeto" (odnosno nastavak 1000 dana ljeta). Preporucila bih knjigu svima koji:-vole putovati-vole putopise-vole sve ljude bez predrasuda-znaju slusati tudje price-uzivaju u malim stvarima, znakovima i slucajnostima-aktivno sudjeluju u svom zivotu-stalno propituju svoja nacela i stavovePreporucila bih knjigu svima koji vole Cestu...
review 2: it's a fair first attempt by a twenty-something guy to describe his travels. it's full of all the expected cliche's (hitchhiking, booz, drugs, the 'alternative' oh so mainstream lifestyle of an average couchsurfer), without any real climax or end. if you're looking for depth or meaning in a story, the author is constantly convincing you of the relativistic nature of
... moreworld, truth, meaning, which makes it hard to connect and feel like you've read anything profound or real in the book/his travels. i suppose the one thing that will stick with you is that a positive outlook on life helps loads in any kind of life encounter, anywhere you find yourself. if you're at all familiar with couchsurfing, or have met random young travelers, his story will seem like one of many, not in any way particularly interesting or extraordinary. perhaps the only reason why his story is so hyped up is because he's one of the few or first who set out to do this, and write about it, from the balkans. and because he is after all an 'economist' at heart, so the book is meant as another way to finance his travels. nothing wrong with that, but you might want to just donate the money, and spend your leisure reading time reading something that tastes less like a pop drink. perhaps after his first attempt, he'll get a better editor next time, who will help pick the parts of the book that work, and he'll spend some more time on the second and thirds draft, before again deciding to self-publish. that is, if he can find the time from all the traveling. all in all, i found it overpriced and underdeveloped to be a true gem. but for the travel-un-initiated, i suppose it will give you a laugh or two, and encourage you to dare (the 'ultimate message' spread on so thick, you'd have to be a moron to miss whilst reading this book..) less
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Ovo je jedina knjiga koju sam pročitala DO KRAJA u zadnjih par GODINA! :)Odlična je!
Tomislave, hvala TI što si me podsjetio kako je moj život dosadan :D
...just great...
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