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Letters To Anyone And Everyone (1996)

by Toon Tellegen(Favorite Author)
4.24 of 5 Votes: 2
1906250952 (ISBN13: 9781906250959)
Boxer Books
review 1: What a peculiar little book comprised of short story-like chapters. Tellegen's characters are lonely little animals that are desperate for friends and connection, so they write letters back and forth. The elephant asks the snail if they could dance on snail's house; the mole writes letters to himself in the darkness underground; and the bear just wants cake. It's sweetly written with perfect small, simple illustrations to complement the text. Whimsical, a little melancholy, but also a celebration of friendship.
review 2: The title should perhaps be "letters to anyone, everyone and everything" since a table, the sun and even a letter receive letters. Whimsical, quirky, and sweet are the words that come to mind for this little novel with lovely little illustratio
... morens. I love the idea that you can crumple up the hurry you're in, bury it, and calmly and slowly go on your way (or stay where you are) or that an elephant can love climbing, dancing and swinging and writes a note to himself to remember not to fall. Now to go write a letter. less
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Les animaux de la forêt s'écrivent. Une réelle animité se créée entre l'écureul et la fourmi.
I love, love this book. I would eat it if it would stay with me always.
Lovely. Very Winnie the Pooh and Little Prince-ish.
Dear book, Well, you know.D
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