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The Wish Stealers (2010)

by Tracy Trivas(Favorite Author)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 4
1416987258 (ISBN13: 9781416987253)
review 1: My eight year old read this and thought it was "Good. Not great." She writes:The Wish Stealers is about a girl named Griffin who was tricked into taking a box full of pennies that had been stolen from a wishing fountain. She learns she has to trick someone else into taking the box OR return the coins to their rightful owners OR suffer the consequences: her good wishes will not come true but the bad wishes will. The ending was very satisfying. I am glad I read it but its not as good as the "Guardians of Ga'Hoole" series.
review 2: I like this story because this made me think about how we don't always get what we want. For example when Griffin Penshine wishes that her new school would smell like warm chocolate chip cookies "I wish my new school would smell like
... more warm chocolate chip cookies,"(Trivas, 12). This quote explains that she wishes her new school would smell like warm chocolate chip cookies. This show that since she is starting a new school she hopes it would be a great and educated school. I can infer that when she was wishing for that wish she was hoping that the school would turn out great because as a rule people who try new thing hope they are worth the try. less
Reviews (see all)
This was a cute book. Fun to read since it's my 11-year-old's favorite.
I think this book was very good. It made me very anxious!
My favorite of the Sunshine State books this year!
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