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Rise Of The Balloon Goons (2013)

by Troy Cummings(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 2
0545493234 (ISBN13: 9780545493239)
Scholastic Inc.
The Notebook of Doom
review 1: This wasn't personally my cup of tea: the writing style was odd and choppy, and the characters were flat. However, for a reluctant elementary-school reader, this would be just the ticket: it's action-packed, no lulls or boring descriptions other than spooky ones that heighten the tension, lots of drawings and weird & wacky elements, and it's short. Kids that are too young for Goosebumps might like this. A possible read-a-like is the Dragon Slayer's Academy series, or the Hocus Pocus Hotel series.
review 2: Intended for readers in grades 1-3, this simple but appealing story features Alexander Bopp who becomes an unlikely hero after his family moves to a new town. Of course, he's understandably anxious about the move to Stermont and attending a new school. Not on
... morely is the town rather strange with teachers and principals who behave oddly, but some of the students are just as annoying. Rip Bondowski seems to have singled out Alexander for his own brand of teasing, and even his teacher Mr. Plunkett changes his name to Salamander Snott. To make matters even worse, his father plans a birthday party, and Rip is the only one to show up. Readers will laugh at some of the book's events and cheer when an unlikely duo does battle with those annoyingly bouncy balloons that fill the town's streets--and Alexander's back yard. The line drawings in the notebook of monsters that Alexander maintains add to the book's appeal. less
Reviews (see all)
Young readers will enjoy this beginning chapter book, a little creepy and a lot funny.
Loving this and perfect timing for the 8yo since we are moving in a few weeks.
My 7 year old loved this book and we are heading on to book 2
My SON loves this series
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