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Erebos (2010)

by Ursula Poznanski(Favorite Author)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Erebos is a book that made me the most bored out of any book. It was way to long and boring. The book was about a video game that a kid named Nick waited for. He has to do what the messenger of the game tells him. Even if its outside the game. Even though I did not read all of it, it sucked. They had to many battles and no time spending life. I also think that's the theme is you should do more than play video games. This book was to long to get to the point. This make its too boring to get to the end. Also they leave unneeded detail that make it long. Most people would expected more action than battles with no blood and a lot of spells. I would of rather read a romantic book than this book. Another thing is they refer to much to British stuff. If I made the book then I wou... moreld made more American stuff.
review 2: Erebos started off a little sketchy for me. I wasn't sure of it at first and I didn't like the main character in the beginning. However, this amazing book got so good as it went on and captured me in its clutches. It was so well described that it as if you are watching the game yourself. The game and reality clashing together is an amazing idea and the entire thing was spectacular. It kept me guessing until the end and surprised at who was who. This is an amazing book! If you like gaming, then this is a book for you. less
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Cautivated me as much as Erebos cautivated the players. Good thriller.
Na 5 hviezdiciek to nebolo, ale aj tak prijemne prekvapenie.
exciting and entertaining. Must read for any gamer.
A m a z i n g
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