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Escaped Artist (2014)

by Victoria Green(Favorite Author)
4.29 of 5 Votes: 3
Turning Leaves Press
review 1: Unfortunately, I had to read a lot of other book before I was able to dive back into this series and I am so sad that I had to take a break from Dare and Ree, but mostly Dare.Even with the few months break, I was still immediately sucked back into the drama that Dare and Ree live. Dare is trying to let Ree go and Ree is fighting, with every ounce of her being, to get him back. It is so hard to read of their struggle but it is also so beautiful that such a pure love between two people can be so hard to obtain and hold on to.The third book wasn’t filled with angst as the last two books were, which I found nice because we got to read how their relationship has started to grow more and solidify itself without the presence of Ree’s family or the threat of Dare’s father.... more For a moment there was a nice span of time where things were perfect, even though they were fighting their own battle, they weren’t fighting outside battles. And then – BOOM – yeah, it happens and it rocked my core. I ended the book with my mouth hanging opening and just a look of shock on my face. Green and Reese sure did throw me off my happy and feeling good high and right onto my worry and pain low. Great job ladies for rocking this book.P.S. I loved getting to know Dash and his band and I do hope that more of Dash and all of the band’s story get highlighted more in this series –or – make it is spin off *hint hint*
review 2: These two definitely have that whole fated thing down because for them to once again meet in Amsterdam the way that they did, it was just too coincidental, but this time around, it was in a good way. I liked how the authors did it this time around. It was a bit comical, but it also fit with their story. It was also meaningful and I loved what it eventually led to (that pleasure and pain scene was a scorcher, for sure). Their relationship was pretty rocky in the beginning, but things are finally starting to come together for them and in this one they learn what they’re willing to do for each other.Ugh, I swear, Dare is not only a sexy artist, but he’s a sexy tattoo artist, too?! How can you resist him?! Yes, he’s making ends meet as a tattoo artist while crashing with his brother’s band in Amsterdam. His brother’s bandmates are an interesting bunch and I really liked the lightness they brought to the story, which was otherwise filled with drama. And I loved finally being inside Dare’s head, seeing Reagan through his eyes. It was necessary, too, for what Reagan was going through and his helping her face her demons. Reagan actually grows a lot in this book and I liked seeing this change for the better in her. Each of their pasts and stories are unfolding more as this series progresses and you get enough of each mystery to tide you over and I think the authors did an excellent job with incorporating it into their story as a developing couple.Oh, and the highlight of this installment was that were got more scenes with the rest of the Wilde siblings, including Dare’s older brother, Dash. You could tell he’s got quite a story to tell and I can’t wait to read it. I’m also curious about the twins, Dalia and Dax. They’re so lively and fun. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Synner, too, that sexy beast!Reese and Green have definitely been keeping the momentum going and I swear, I don’t know how I could’ve waited for each new episode because this series is so awesome, I had to jump right to the next book! That ending! less
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Yet again... My soul is crushed... Only to move on to the next heartbreak!!!
oh good Lord! these books need to be so much longer. I love them!
NOT A TRILOGY. Beware, another cliffhanger.
*Review to come!*
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