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Carrie's Answer (2008)

by Violet Summers(Favorite Author)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 1
Liquid Silver
Worthington Group
review 1: This was a decent read. I felt like the characters could use a bit more development, and I would have liked to see Carrie have a bit more spunk. Although the sex scenes were definitely steamy, the BDSM elements in them just seemed rather bland. My biggest concern was that he keeps asking her to trust him to know what she likes, but yet he admits to not knowing much about her at all nor does he negotiate any scenes with her to find out what she likes in order to push her boundaries. I liked Daniel's roll in the story, and I do look forward to seeing him find someone. :) I would have liked a bit more back story with his sister Meredith, because right now I think he was overly harsh to her. Anyhoo... like I said an overall decent read.
review 2: I read this story
... more under the previous publisher, and enjoyed it very much. The Worthington series is hot, and its a nice introduction to mild bdsm, menage(strictly m/f/m in this one)and characters you will feel you get to know pretty well within this family. I really found I started to like Daniel, and enjoyed his story later(I think it ends up being the third one...)after this one. Daniel's actually became one of my first intro's into m/m/f menage and a D/s relationship. Not a bad series. less
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Holy shit, this was hot! If you are in the mood for M/F, this is good stuff with some yummy D/s fun.
I enjoyed this story.
good quick read.
great quick read
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