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Live To Tell (2010)

by Wendy Corsi Staub(Favorite Author)
3.78 of 5 Votes: 5
0061895067 (ISBN13: 9780061895067)
Live to Tell
review 1: This story was really good, I couldn't put it down. The story is about a family divided by divorce and an unlikely involvement into something dangerous and illegal. The father goes to Lost and Found to retrieve his daughter's toy and takes the wrong toy. Inside that toy is a memory stick with information about a politician which would bring him down. The mystery and the drama kept me riveted to the book.
review 2: I downloaded this book to my nook for less than $5 so I cant complain too much. The story had several different story lines that at first was kind of odd but eventually came together. I felt like the author could have tied the story up a bit better, it was like she realized she was running out of pages and needed to quickly tie it up. There is one
... more story line that still left me curious, but I have found out there is another book that involves the character in question and may answer my questions. This book was alright, I wouldnt pay full price for it, but it was an easy read with a fairly decent story line. less
Reviews (see all)
Loved it. Not my favorite by the author but still a great read.
Not as good because I didn't know it was a continuation
Some loose ends in this one. Story was ok.
One of the top 5 of hers I have read!
Hard to follow but not a bad read.
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