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Winter Kisses (2011)

by A.C. Arthur(Favorite Author)
4.4 of 5 Votes: 2
0373862377 (ISBN13: 9780373862375)
Harlequin Kimani
review 1: I loved Monica. I knew there had to be something huge that happened her life to turn her into the so-called "Ice Queen." Alex was the perfect man to help her resolve her issues. After she finally revealed the whole story to Alex, I actually shed a few tears for her. She'd been through so much so the fact that she finally got her happily ever after made it that much sweeter. I highly recommend this book.
review 2: Monica vowed she would never trust a sweet talking man again. People think she is the Ice Queen and she keeps her feeling hidden behind her corporate façade. Alex is the CFO at his own company and he likes to work hard and play harder. They are both tricked into a vacation by their family and friends. She definitely is surprised to find him there
... more and tries everything to leave but they get snowed in. The more time that they spend together the more Alex sees the other side of Monica that no one gets to see. When someone is trying to hurt Monica, he will do everything to protect her and she will have to come to terms with some issues from her past. In order for her to have a future with Alex she is going to have to let her guard down. less
Reviews (see all)
Some things could have been connected a little better but a great story.
I loved this book! With Monica and Alex the sparks flew and I loved it!
I enjoyed Alex and Monica's story.
Excellent book
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