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Gra O Juliana (2011)

by Adele Griffin(Favorite Author)
3.18 of 5 Votes: 4
Wydawnictwo AMBER
review 1: I didn't really know what to expect of this one going in. I just was up for something a bit different from my norm. I liked Raye for the most part until I thought she was blowing off her true BFF just to gain a spot at popularity but I sort of could see where her mind was at even though I felt she should have invited her friend Nat along for the ride or at least let her make her own mind up over whether she wanted to or not.Ella I couldn't stand from the start! I have known a good many Ella's in my day and they are not to be trusted and are not good friend material. They think only for themself and don't care who they hurt or walk all over to get what they want. Raye was a bit nutso for ever doubting her first judgement of Ella but we all have to live and learn correct?Jul... moreian surprised me big time. One minute he is the victum, then he is a friend, and then he is just a flat out jerk in my book. He's a douche bag a dweeb, a big fat b-hole. He tries to be all sweet and innocent and he's the type that wants to be your friend as long as nobody else knows it. Heck with that! If you can't be my friend all the time instead of when it's convenient for you piss on you don't be my friend at all!This was a great book about fitting in and cliques. We've all been there at one time or another.
review 2: To be honest the book wasn't all that different from those typical cyberbullying stories out there. Plot goes as follows; main character does something stupid for a guy, makes mistakes for which she is tortured by a school bully who befriends her for a while only to then crush her.I have nothing against this book really, the story didn't capture me all that much though. The summary was a bit more capturing than the actual book, although I must say it engaged pretty well. The characters weren't personofied too well therefore making it a bit hard to relate.The solution to the plot was a bit vague for my liking so basically no hate but no love from my part. less
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Fast paced, and elegantly written. Resembles real life.
Part Mean Girls, John Tucker must die and Cyberbully.
It was a good story.
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