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Badlands Bride (2012)

by Adrianne Wood(Favorite Author)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 4
Bramble Cat
review 1: I thought this was a nice book, but it didn't blow me away.Mason is a journalist who lost his enthusiasm for writing and Lily is Boston Lady who's been exiled to Denver.When they meet Mason and Lily don't really get along, but as they get to know each other they start loving each other. I'm glad Lily lost her infatuation for Cecil quite fast, but to me the story remained a bit basic. It could have used some more action. I did like the twist at the end of the story however. I hadn't expected that.Not the best book I've read, but I'll certainly read more books by this author.
review 2: High five to Adrianne Wood! Badlands Bride is a fun and playful romance (erotica?) that breaks away from the tired 'Twilight fanfiction' plot. No poor little innocent young lady be
... morending to the will of a charming metrosexual here ladies. Badlands Bride is all about competent woman who falls in love with a competent man and has her desires fulfilled. An easy and sexy read that even a feminist will enjoy. Finally! less
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I liked this book. It was pretty quick and had adventure and mystery. loved it.
Not bad, but didn't feel like a historical and needed editing
3.5 stars
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