Two jets knocked down 3 skyscrapers was it?
Ha-Ha, boy, that’s some pretty dumb shit…
Why do you give those who formulated these lies and then used them in a Coup D’Etat on the constitution and economy on Sept 11 any credibility if you don’t truly believe them yourself, and if you do believe them what miracle of almighty god allows you to tie your shoelaces each morning when obviously the reality is you’re too fcuking dumb to accomplish the task on your own?
‘YOU FIX LYING BY STOPPING IT, BUT’…My step-parents schooled me in the perspective that lying was stupid, later two of Prescott Bush’s boys overseeing the pedo snuff movie political blackmail brothel ‘CIA’ ran in the little Nazi ratline rat hole city I’d grown up in expanded on that overall concept ~ Thus while not totally averse to the occasional well crafted fib in my younger years the idea of ‘NEVER GET CAUGHT’ (Lying) was, truth be told, my real ethic, based as it was on a response my step father made to a genuine question I’d asked him out of the blue, my step-dad being my wise man…
“Dad, do you cheat in sport” I’d asked him? ~ He slyly replied “Don’t let the referee catch you” and then, almost as an afterthought, “And don’t tell your mother I-said that” ~ Later, around the age of 22 I’d moved a personal mountain or two to cease all forms of lying as a practical political and spiritual response needed to prepare myself for the lifetime of devious dishonest Masonic black-op bastardy I’d known I’d already be facing in the decades ahead…
‘SO, ARE YOU LYING FOR THEM?’Here was the only sane response you had America, a 100% treason amnesty…
That’s cause everything from ‘JFK’ onward’s was 100% US Govt treason fools…
Now will you go to your graves stupid liars, or will you make an honest stand?
They’ll wind-up killing most of you either way, so what’s it gonna be?
Gonna share eternity with all the fascist morons running it are you?
Tread careful if you do, you’ll wind up dead either way, think about it…
Do what they say, or don’t, they’ll still wind up killing you anyway…
The Bavarian Illuminati master plan is treason against humanity…
Will you be able to stand in righteousness, or fall in hypocrisy?
Here’s how 1\2 of you will die, despite what liars tell you…
All vids\graphics are a fair-use and fair-comment thing…
Here’s a more coldly-rational articulate political blogsite link…
Hope dumbass Masonic cowboy-fascists aren’t blocking-it…
Excuse-me there cowboy, didn’t mean no offence…
But ‘Atta\Schwammberger’ turned up in Afghanistan…
(A hell of an accomplishment for a supposed deadman too)…
Rumour is he’s been running a ‘CIA’ opium-warlord empire…
(One that’s supplying over 90%+ of your US street-heroin)…
How’s that factor in to your war on opium-addiction?