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Games Of Fire (2013)

by Airicka Phoenix(Favorite Author)
4.04 of 5 Votes: 5
Airicka Pheonix
review 1: Sophie plays the dutiful daughter against her will and goes with her mother to meet the new neighbors. She meets the most gorgeous boy she has ever seen, but then he opens his mouth and ruins it. Spencer is a complete jerk and Sophie wants nothing more than to pretend he does not exist. But fate has other ideas and continually throws the two of them together. While they battle the sparks, a predator is watching nearby.I am a huge fan of all things Airicka Phoenix, and this was no exception. I could not wait to pick this up after work, or forgo a silly thing called sleep to keep reading. This story really did have a little bit of everything in it, from teen drama, romance, mystery and danger as well as survival and intrigue, with a dash of dysfunctional family thrown in. On... moree minute I am sucked into a drama filled moment at high school party, next a potential stalker, and then a HOT moment of passion. (And when I say hot, man was it steamy!) Whew! The plot went together beautifully though to tell a very cohesive story that I completely enjoyed.Sophie was a naïve super klutz who I absolutely loved. She could not see things that were right in front of her because she could not grasp something so horrible (or so good) to be real. She was honest to a fault and I found myself laughing out loud at the situations she found herself in. Spencer on the other hand was the opposite of naïve. He has experienced so much in his short life, causing him to be jaded to all the good around. Against his will he became a knight in shining armor at every moment Sophie needed him. Together they made such a good couple, no matter what the world threw at them. I will admit that I thought the whole oblivious Spencer/cheerleader girl thing was hysterical.The one small problem I had with the story was that they were so young. Both characters were only 17. Spencer had his heart broken two years prior when he was 15 and his girlfriend cheated. And then said girlfriend lived with her new boyfriend. I had a hard time wrapping my head over the parents of a 15 year old girl letting her live with her older boyfriend. Yes it said she was difficult and always got her way, but I am pretty sure there are laws about that. Spencer still feels so much anguish over the whole situation even though he was a 15 year old baby at the time and their sexual history was mentioned making me feel a little grossed out thinking of pre-15 year olds having sex. Maybe I am a prude, but I would have loved the story just a little bit more if the characters could have been older, or the cheating girlfriends had just happened instead of 2 years previous.I had the stalker and the motive already identified within the first 50 pages of the book. But next thing I knew, the author threw in like 5 more legitimate potential suspects so I was completely thrown off. When the identity finally was revealed, I was completely shocked at the who and the behavior. The last 50ish pages of the book turned into every woman’s worst nightmare. I found myself biting off my nails to see what would happen next. It was very hard to read, but in the respect that the author did such a good job of making everything terrible seem so real. I was horrified and on edge. It takes a lot to suck me in, and here I was so involved. This story is not for the faint of heart.I loved this book and will gladly read anything by Ms. Phoenix at this point. I have yet to be disappointed by her writing and she has fast become one of my favorite authors. Anyone who likes a steamy romance with their mystery should read this book.I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.
review 2: I'm not going to lie, I can't tell you if this is a good book or not because I only made it 27 pages in. I personally have a pet peeve about authors using first person thoughts in a third person pov and have never been able to read first person pov written with third-person pov verbs/nouns/pronouns/adjectives. Within in the first two pages of the book when Sophie name was used instead of "I" or "her" I knew this wasn't for me. I am however am deeply appreciative that I at least got the chance to read even a tiny portion of this book considering how much work authors have to go though to not only write their books but to publish them. less
Reviews (see all)
it was pretty amazing, but not enough :\ i want another story about Lauren and Roy.
Everything was great however it was too long!!
Hilarious, Romantic. Totally loved it.
Dios es hermoso éste libro!
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