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Home By Morning (2010)

by Alexis Harrington(Favorite Author)
3.35 of 5 Votes: 5
Montlake Romance
Powell Springs
review 1: Taking place in 1918 during the great flu epidemic, a moving story about a young doctor in Oregon. This is almost the 'wild west'. Times are tough and people get sick. She is supposed to be in Seattle, but can't get there right now. Her relationships old and new with the people of this community are vivid in light of the horrible Spanish flu, which is still of historical record today. Of course, it's also a love story. All ends well on that front, it's just the reality of the number of people who died that winter that make this a more exceptional tale.
review 2: This book is a historic romance that takes place during WWI in Oregon. Jessica, a female physician has returned to her idyllic hometown to visit her sister. Her lifelong love still stirs her but
... more he is now courting her sister who expects an engagement announcement any day. Amidst the Spanish Influenza crisis, Jess and Cole uncover a devastating deception and encounter terrible animosity. The idyllic town is not quite what it appeared.This book was fun to read and the details of the historical context was well researched. The story kept me engaged. Well crafted and entertaining. I am interested in the sequel which will tell the story of Cole's brother, missing in WWI. less
Reviews (see all)
Worst book I've ever read! Is our society so corrupt that we now call this literature???
A super easy summer read, and who doesn't love a good love story?
Good romance novel with historical background. Hard to put down.
Interesting WW1 book
Was a good book.
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