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These Bees Count! (2012)

by Alison Ashley Formento(Favorite Author)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 1
0807578681 (ISBN13: 9780807578681)
Albert Whitman & Company
review 1: When Mr. Tate’s class visits a farm on a school field trip, the students learn all about the work bees do to create honey. The children even have the chance to don the gear beekeepers use, complete with nets to cover their faces. The farmer, a woman named Ellen, shows them the bee hives and explains how bees collect pollen from flowers and demonstrates how she uses smoke to send them out of the hive. Although the book title is a play on words since the bees count when it comes to making honey, it also allows readers to count the number of elements on the pages; for instance, there are five poppies reaching for the sun on one page and nine peapods whose vines cling to stakes. Back matter includes information on bees and even a brief discussion about colony collapse disord... moreer. The vivid illustrations and honeycombed endpapers add immensely to the pleasures of reading this short text.
review 2: This started out pretty neat with a class' visit to a beeyard - all the kids put on beesuits and they examine the beehives and learn how bees make honey. And then the kids are told to listen to the bees and they go off on this strange departure where the bees are singing and buzzing and counting. Do bees actually count? A strange mixture of fact and fancy for sure. Lovely illustrations (collage, mixed media) show cute kids and bees. less
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Read this with the boys this afternoon. We love the Bee Movie so this book was a good one.
The language and story are a bit slow, but a great message about farms and bees.
Apiarists: Bees count! Don't ever forget! Got honey?
Cool book with lots of interesting facts!
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