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Giving It Up (2012)

by Amber Lin(Favorite Author)
3.57 of 5 Votes: 5
1611188431 (ISBN13: 9781611188431)
Loose Id LLC
The Lost Girls
review 1: This book had some lovely prose at times, but the book tried to do too many things. It tried to show a girl totally screwed up about sex because of a past rape and how she struggled to obtain happiness for herself when she believed she didn't deserve it. But it throws in a wild and improbable suspense plot that really overtakes the emotional arc. The "fall in love" happens too fast and I didn't believe in either her sexual healing or her emotional recovery. I think the problem was that the story wanted to be dark, showing a character making desparate decision after desparate decision but the author still wanting the heroine to be intrisincally "good" and "moral". And because the heroine's emotional trauma was so severe (she still loved her rapist, for example), the int... morerusion of a criminal boyfriend, a family drama, dirty cops, and a prostitute heroine with her own issues and possible romance detracted from what could have been very powerful.Many of the sex scenes were troubling because the heroine either didn't enjoy them or felt guilty at enjoying them or hated herself for enjoying them. What pleasure she found was masochistic which would have been fine if I didn't feel like I was also supposed to believe that she was healing sexually. I didn't really believe that Allie loved the hero, even though she professes her love for him. I wished the author had taken the time to develop the emotional arc more fully. It would have been easy for the reader to buy into Allie's understanding of a pure love if she thought, just for a minute, on what she felt for her daughter, the daughter created by the rape.Great voice, problematic execution.
review 2: This book....these characters...gezzYou know how sometimes it's hard to connect to the characters? Well, there were timesI wished I didn't feel so connected to the ones in this one. Allie and Colin were about as messed up and damaged characters as I've ever seen. For my friends that love charters with more demons than hope - who pull themselves through the mud to get their HEA - this one is for you. Fabulous. Full review to come. less
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