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The Beast's Promise (2012)

by Amylea Lyn(Favorite Author)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 2
161495237X (ISBN13: 9781614952374)
Silver Publishing
Outside the City
review 1: One of the things that annoys me the most about MM romance is the sheer amount of grammatical errors and typos to be found in a book. It drives me nuts! This book has quite a few, more than the first book in the series. Authors, editors, beta readers...listen up!Singular: WomanPlural: WomenSee the difference? (This a mistake that bugs the crap out of me whenever I see it in a book!)Other than that, I very much enjoyed this book and I really like this series!
review 2: I enjoyed the story alot. Its a solid three star rating.A couple of things would have made it better - mainly the author telling us not showing us things that were pretty vital or could have really added to the tension. eg: 2 hrs is how long it took us to make our way across the city...then there
... more is a bit of a battle JUST when they are 100m from the freedom. (bit cliche really). What I would have liked to see is a sense of danger from them as they try to hide - yes this would have made the word count longer but there was other parts of the story the author could have shortened or cut out completely.Basically I see a lot of potential for this story and I honestly think it would have been better if it had a rewrite or two to sharpen it up.I still think its interesting, I still think its worth reading, I think the characters are pretty awesome but the book/series has some serious flaws. less
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A book that keeps you hooked until the end, great characters.
3.5 stars
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