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Solid As Stone (2012)

by Amylea Lyn(Favorite Author)
3.71 of 5 Votes: 3
1614955476 (ISBN13: 9781614955474)
Silver Publishing
The Brotherhood
review 1: I loved this story of Stone and Wesley. I think Ms. Lyn captured the strong warrior/wounded child character some of us (ME) just melt over. I don't know how anyone could read this book and not do what I did and click as fast as I could to Ms. Lyn's webpage to find out when the next book was coming. These warriors of the Brotherhood stole my heart from the beginning. I can't wait to see what is going to happen next in Blade's book, I am sure I will love it as much as I love Stone and Wesley's story. I have long been a fan of Ms. Lyn's books and this is just another WIN as far as I am concerned. I don't write reviews with spoilers or regurgitate the blurb (you can read that yourself). I just want to let everyone know how much I loved the story. The story progresses from some... more unfortunate misunderstandings between Stone and Wesley to the point where they can't live without one another. Wesley finds his inner strength and realizes family is not always something you are born into. I hope you give this book a try and you come to love these guys like I do.
review 2: I have a weakness for a book series featuring a band of warriors. A couple of my all time favorites are J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood and Gena Showalter’s Lords of the Underworld. They’re both so good that I always compare other books to them and most of the time the new ones fall short. It only took me until the end of chapter one to decide that The Brotherhood had the potential to become a new favorite series for me. Solid as Stone had the same feel as my favorites but it wasn’t too similar. The Brotherhood is a group of six genetically modified super soldiers, without a vampire or angel in sight. That was enough of a difference for me so I didn’t feel like I was reading a copycat series.Stone and his Brothers were all orphaned children that The Company took in and used as human test subjects. The boys were the first children given the genetic modification formula. They were never treated like children and have always been test subjects owned and controlled by The Company. They weren't even given names, they’re simply referred to by number because they aren’t people, they’re objects. I must admit, I’m a total sucker for a tortured hero and The Brothers fit very well into that category so I was immediately drawn to Stone. Wesley is part of the story because his father was the original creator of the super soldier formula. The Company fears that Wesley is the only person outside their control that may have knowledge of when and how The Brotherhood was created. Stone is ordered by The Company to find and kill Wesley. Wesley is such an idealist. He’s a good man and a great scientist trying to save the world through his work. He sees the best in everyone. How can anyone not like a guy like that? The fact that he is a brilliant scientist only made me like him more.The world building in this book was excellent. I loved that I got an in depth and detailed history of how The Company created The Brotherhood and the role Wesley’s father played in it. I never felt rushed or that I was missing any key piece of information. I really liked that the author took the time to explain everything that had happened and also use that time to develop Wesley's character. I felt like I had a good handle on who and what he was before he ever met Stone.I loved the chemistry between Stone and Wesley once they finally met. It was powerful and I wanted them to be together but that bond happened too quickly for me. Going from I’m going to kill you to all consuming love in three days was too much. I can understand why the romance was rushed since so much of the book was dedicated to world building but it did knock me out of the story a little bit. I was saved from being completely knocked out only because the romance isn't the primary focus of the book. It’s important, but it takes a backseat to the ongoing battle between The Brotherhood and The Company. I like when the action/adventure in a book is just as strong as the romance so I thought the skirmishes and strategy sessions were great.There was so much I liked about this book but there were definitely some flaws too. As I said before, the timing and pace doesn’t work well in some areas. The romance especially feels very rushed. There is also an odd exchange between Wesley and Stone when they first meet which isn’t explained well. It had me going back and rereading just to see if I missed something. I also needed an explanation for how every Brother ended up being either gay or bisexual. That was always in the back of my mind and I needed an answer so I could put that question to rest.Hopefully the issues I had with this first book will be worked out in the following books because this series has so much potential. I loved that I got to meet and know the other Brothers a little bit and I can’t wait to read their books. I can see myself becoming obsessed with The Brotherhood, it’s the perfect combination of warriors and M/M romance. I’m so excited to have discovered this book! less
Reviews (see all)
I loved it and I'm already ready for the next book in the series ;-)
Damn, this is a great read!! I can't wait for Blade's story!!
Amazing serie - I'm loving it
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