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Cosmic Bounty (2012)

by Angela Castle(Favorite Author)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 4
Evernight Publishing
The Quads of Galafrax
review 1: This book was like a sinful summery dessert. Super sweet, fluffy with not too much nutritional value. You wouldn't want to eat it every day but it's fun to indulge once and a while. I'm a sucker for sci-fi erotica and this one didn't disappoint (yeah! I've discovered another awesome author). Katrina "Kat" is kidnapped from Earth and put up for sale at a space station. Luckily, Gol and Hul find and buy her. Women are very rare on their world so Kat is highly cherished. Oh did I forget to mention that Gol and Hul have 2 other brothers Ric and Div and they are by the way identical quadruplets who are 7 feet tall with red skin...yowzah!
review 2: I enjoyed this book but so much went unexplained and undeveloped. So we know that Kat was abducted, but how does she end
... more up understanding all these alien's? I find it hard to believe that they all speak English and we do know that they have a different language so what gives on an explanation? Next, I LOVED the whole idea of Kat being adopted and taken in by another family before she bonds. *cricket sounds* umm, yeah... That could have been developed in SOOOO many ways that it wasn't. It was like the author had this great idea and then just gave up. There were like two scenes with her adopted fathers, half a scene with her adopted mother who said like two lines and only the briefest mention of the family's children who you never meet! WTF? That whole idea could have made this book, and yet it just fell flat. And then the end, pink girls, this is ok and kinda cute. PLEASE don't tell me that they will have pink son's! I can do red and blue, maybe even orange, green and yellow, depending on the shade I could even do purple. But don't ever, EVER do pink men! Yes, some men can pull of pink and still be masculine if it is done right. But if you give me a pink man, alien or just wearing a shit load of pink, I'm going to have to ask them for there man card. So yeah, other than that it was pretty good. lol less
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