Review Rendezvous: 11/11/17

V is for Virgin by Kelly Oram
Book stats:
Genre(s): Young adult, romance
Medium: Kindle
Number of pages: 360
Publish date: December 11th, 2012
Purchase: Amazon Book Depository

When Val Jensen gets dumped for her decision to stay a virgin until marriage, the nasty breakup goes viral on YouTube, making her the latest internet sensation. 

After days of ridicule from her peers, Val starts a school-wide campaign to rally support for her cause. She meant to make a statement, but she never dreamed the entire nation would get caught up in the controversy. 

As if becoming nationally recognized as “Virgin Val” isn’t enough, Val’s already hectic life starts to spin wildly out of control when bad boy Kyle Hamilton, lead singer for the hit rock band Tralse, decides to take her abstinence as a personal challenge.

How can a girl stay true to herself when this year’s Sexiest Man Alive is doing everything in his power to win her over?

This book. THIS BOOK! So much yes. Well, this one and the sequel. I am a sucker for a cute story and a good resolution, so this duology is a must! Oram cemented herself with this series and the one I’m reviewing next week, so stay tuned!

The thing that first stuck out to me was the fact that this teenager was willing to take the hard road against most of her peers. This kind of choice belongs to you and you alone, so I was glad to see Val standing up for that. Of course, she kinda fell into it as she was retaliating for a broken heart, but it ended up good anyways.

This proclamation to her school quickly snowballs into a huge, nationwide movement. We see the struggle for Val as she wants to pursue this and see it through, but she doesn’t want to let it take over. Add in the fact that the lead singer of boy band Tralse, Kyle Hamilton, seems to personally make it his mission to discomfort her and push her boundaries, and you have a recipe for implosion.

Oram’s voice tells the narrative in a perfect way, and I would 100% buy this book (if I had money) and read it again six million times. Both of those statements are very high praise, because I am your “one-and-done”, library-only type of reader. I don’t spend money on unnecessary things, so to consider buying this is huge. You definitely need to read it.
