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Battlescars (2013)

by Ann Collins(Favorite Author)
3.42 of 5 Votes: 4
Collins Publishing House; 1st edition (October 28, 2013)
review 1: I have to say this book was a complete and utter let down to the point that I didn't even right a review when I finished because I am not a fan of being mean or rude in my reviews. With that said this cover **holy hotness* and the synopsis completely sucked me in. I am a sucker for any military man or MMA fighter in general so having both I was ready to go with this book.The start was ok and it had me thinking this is going to be awesome a Marine who was discharged and is now a fighter. Then you have this sweet young girl who has mouth on her even hotter. Unfortunately it just kind of went blah for me. Dyson and Kayla meet at a local dive bar where two jerk offs are bothering her. Dyson steps up and gets rid of the jerks. Kayla though gives him the cold shoulder and... more he is left intrigued off course.Dyson and Kayla keep running into each other constantly and the chemistry between them is hot. We learn that Kayla has had one heck of a life that had her floating between foster care and having a huge douchebag for a father. Even though I am not going to really recommend this book I still refuse to give out any spoilers, sorry. Dyson on the other hand is suffering in part from PTSD, I really thought this was the way the story was headed. Man oh man was I wrong we stayed focused on Kayla and her daddy issues. For this reason mainly I was super let down it was like damn here are two people with some huge issues to overcome and it was all about the girl.I really do not like bashing books or saying mean things because really when it comes to reading to each their own. Just because I didn't like this read does not mean someone else won't. With that said though when I saw all the 4 and 5 star ratings I feel the need to make sure people know that if you are looking for some great tragic story where both people are fixed this is so not what you are going to get.There was never a point in this book where I felt like wow this is fantastic. Also the ending felt rushed and that chemistry that Kayla and Dyson had for each other seemed to sizzle instad of spark. Again this is just my personal opinion but for me this was really not the best of reads.
review 2: I received this book from the author via LibraryThing in exchange for an honest review.Dyson is an ex-Marine turned MMA fighter. Kayla is a college student working toward her CPA. Dyson was discharged from the Marines under questionable circumstances. Kayla grew up in an abusive home and then foster homes. They both are fighting to overcome the past to build a lasting loving future together.I enjoyed this story. It was very easy to read and just the right length for a sit down reading session in front of the fire. I liked that they took the time in their relationship to get to know one another before hopping into bed. I was kind of confused by how much Dyson was worrying about sex and if Kayla was ready for it. It seemed like he knew about her bad experience in foster care, but I don’t remember her actually telling him about that. I did enjoy the storyline. I found it unique. We have both characters struggling to make ends meet, it was more realistic than all the billionaire romance out there. Dyson was a very honorable hero that stood up for his beliefs even against great odds. Kayla was strong but did seem to be wishy washy at times. She was strong to try to make a better life for herself, but then she had a break down when the P.I. found her father. Overall, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it. I would also enjoy reading more by this author. less
Reviews (see all)
I really need to start reading samples before buying!it just didn't do it for me:-(
Boring book...I skimmed through most of it.
3 1/2 Stars!
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