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El Hilo Rojo (2014)

by Ann Hood(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Hay veces que apetece leer libros no muy complejos y que no te aporten nada, pero te distraigan. El hilo rojo es un libro así, no te cambiará la vida, no te marcará, pero es entretenido y fácil de leer. Para mi gusto, los personajes son muy planos y sus problemas, muy tópicos. Además, aunque en la reseña te pintan como que las historias de las mujeres chinas y de las mujeres americanas que van a adoptar están equiparadas, las de las mujeres chinas son mucho más cortas y sin importancia para la trama. No es un libro que recomendaría.
review 2: A novel that is true to life for many hopeful parents. This traces the births of the babies in China and the stories of the families that want to adopt in the United States. It involves the story of the owner of
... more the adoption agency in the US who has suffered a loss of a child. It touches on the angst, anger and awful trauma of an accidental death. Babies are often adopted by people in other countries. It was a very hardwarming story and by the end of the story, it is revealed that the author had lost a child and has adopted a Chinese baby. It seems that one's sacrifice is another's blessing. The stories of the Chinese mothers who are forced to abandon their baby girls not by the government but by the families who apply pressure on the mother to leave the baby at an orphanage in China. less
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Couples who adopt children from China get to know each other as they await available children.
Read this book in just hours. Could not put it down.
A compelling read- well done, Ann Hood!
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