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The Last Justice (2012)

by Anthony J. Franze(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 4
0982139187 (ISBN13: 9780982139189)
Sterling & Ross Publishers
review 1: Premise: a gunman opens fire in the courtroom of the US Supreme Court and kills five justices. A sixth justice (Chief Justice Kincaid) is accidentally killed by police when he pulls out his gun to shoot the gunman. Plot: Solicitor General Jefferson McKenna testifies before the Black Wednesday commission - he believes those responsible must have been trying to delay the Supreme Court from ruling on a case and identifies two cases most likely to be involved.A bunch of people with connections to McKenna start getting killed and rumors abound that McKenna accepted a bribe in exchange for being appointed to the Ohio bench. Now on the run, McKenna has to find out who orchestrated Black Wednesday in order to clear his own name.Thoughts: the book moved pretty quickly. I read i... moret in a couple of hours. Although there are many characters, it wasn't difficult to distinguish them. I don't think the ending was that much of a surprise, but the narrative was loose enough that I wasn't quite sure how all the pieces fit together so that kept me invested in the book. Now that I think about it, the details of those two cases did not stick in my mind, even though I just read the book last night. There were several red herrings tossed in there that, if I was really trying to figure out who the killer was, would have likely driven me crazy.
review 2: This novel captivated me from the first page. Six Supreme Court Justices are murdered in the Court and the killer escapes. Much of the evidence points to the Solicitor General, who runs from potential custody. He and his #2, a female attorney who is thoroughly law and order, begin investigating the murders and possible causes. The plot is complex, the characters interesting. It is good reading. less
Reviews (see all)
Good read, not sure who is the good guy until close to the end. Fast paced
This was a good story - not one I couldn't put down but still a good read.
Fun, fascinating read
I barely put it down.
good read
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