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DJ Dangerfield (2000)

by Anyta Sunday(Favorite Author)
3.98 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: A light, fun, shortish read. I've only read one other book from this author and can see me reading more.Nice also to read a story set other than US, this one is in New Zealand though as it is mainly set on a university campus, the place doesnt come into it much.Two guys connect over a year without meeting, then we come in to find out how they actually meet and if they can get together. A read to put a smile on your face.
review 2: Aaaah - I liked....yeah, this is a sweet and "feel-good" short that doesn't make you think something is missing. It's complete and definitely goes into my "comfort-read" file on my kindle.The writing just flows, the MCs are all likable (actually it's been a long time that I cared for a female character in a m/m story but I really, rea
... morelly, liked Hannah) and it combines the right amount of funny and sweet for me. Yeah...it was fun to read. less
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Sweet, clever, well-written, and perfectly paced. A sheer delight to read from beginning to end.
Sweet - perfect short story, book equivalent of cookies and milk or flowers in the rain. Loved it
it was cure for my winter sadness (for tonight at least).it was sweet and lovely read.
Just feeding my addiction here...
4.5*copy provided by author.
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